Dr. Nora's blog

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Guest Blogger on Gilbane Blog

Frank Gilbane has been gracious enough to support my research both by being a participant in my studies and by inviting me to speak at his tech conference held in Boston last November. After release of the latest study, the Inc. 500 their use of social media, he invited me to be a guest blogger on his site. This is the post I wrote for the Gilbane blog:

In June of 06 I took my first step towards understanding business blogging. As a professor at the University of MA in Dartmouth, and Director of the Center for Marketing Research, I felt I needed to be able to answer the frequent question from businesses, "should we have a blog?" My first study sought advice from experienced business bloggers (and others) and I was clearly cautioned by them: Blogs take time, commitment, planning and respect for the values of the blogosphere.

Eric Mattson (a podcaster I met through the first study) and I released a new study this month on the Inc.500 and their use of social media announced in a post by Frank Gilbane. Much has since been written about the major finding: The Inc. 500 is blogging at more than twice the rate of the Fortune 500. Given that the Inc. 500 are selected based of their rate of growth in one year, it says something about moving quickly and the use of social media.

What we thought was even more interesting is that the Inc. 500 were monitoring social media regardless of if they were using any. Eric and I have submitted a paper on this monitoring behavior to the Journal for New Communications Research and will make that link available as soon as it comes out. Basically, we found that some companies may not be directly engaging customers yet, but have figured out the value of listening and watching. When Business Week in June of 05 wrote about " The Power of Us". I think this is exactly what they were referring to…voices being heard. It looks like it is actually happening!

I am still very interested in which businesses or organizations choose to engage their constituents, which choose to listen, and which watch all this from the other side of a search engine. Blogs, podcasts, videoblogging, message boards and all the rest allow organizations to relate to consumers in a more meaningful way. It is definitely not business as usual, but it is definitely business as it should be.

Eric and I are planning a new study on higher education and its use of social media to explore another arena. We will make the findings of that study available here in the spring. I have never enjoyed research so much…..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Hype is Real: The Inc.500 Invade Social Media

The Hype is Real

Social Media Invades the Inc. 500

The hype is real.
The social media revolution is coming to the business world. Already there have been signs; from the Google acquisition of video juggernaut YouTube for $1.65 Billion to MySpace's 120 million users to the 63 million blogs that Technorati tracks. But, the question has been, when, and even if, business will start to embrace the powerful technologies of social media?
Today, that question will be put to rest once and for all. These pages share the results of a ground-breaking study into the adoption of social media by the Inc. 500, an elite group of the fastest-growing companies within the United States. As one of, if not the, first studies of social media adoption with statistical significance, this research proves conclusively that social media is coming to the business world and sooner than many anticipated.

This is my newest research on business blogging and use of social media. With my co-author Eric Mattson, I have been able to once again look behind the scenes and see what top companies are doing. I hope you enjoy it and that it contributes in some meaningful way to what we are trying to understand about online communications.